rachel reivew

If you have been following me on social media you know I’ve been having a bit of a rough time with it when it comes to the big releases. There’s been a lot of disappointment for me at the cinemas this year and the latest batch is no exception. I’m still waiting for that 2024 blockbuster that I unabashedly love but until then I have 4 new movies to talk about. Let’s do this:


It might not be a surprise given my taste for Hallmark movies that I enjoy an inspirational true story on film. Even if it is obviously trying to push my emotional buttons often that button-pushing works on me and I enjoy the film. This year has actually been a pretty good year for inspirational movies with Arthur the King and Ordinary Angels both being wins. Now we have the latest from Angel Studios entitled Sight and it’s another solid little inspirational true story. It also is barely a faith-based film so it avoids most of the pitfalls of that genre (as was the case with Ordinary Angels)

Sight tells the story of Dr Ming Wang who defied the odds to become a doctor in America from his native China and developed a new eye surgery using amniotic contacts to help restore sight to tons of needy patients including a little girl who was purposefully blinded by her stepmother in India.

The cast is uniformly strong in Sight with Terry Chen playing a border-line obsessed doctor Wang who is determined to figure out these problems. We then get a series of flashbacks to younger versions of Wang and these sections include Donald Heng as his father and I had the chance to interview Donald a few years ago. I was very happy to see him getting such a large role. You can listen to the interview

. Greg Kinear also stands out as Wang’s supportive doctor colleague.

There’s nothing game-changing about Sight but it is a solid inspirational true story and sometimes it’s nice to go to the movies and learn about a good person. I left inspired and you will too.


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