I visited Dr. Wang and I was interested to see if he would find cataracts and If I would qualify for a surgery to have better vision that my insurance would cover.

I was very happy to find out that my insurance would cover the usualy and customary costs of the surgery, anestesia and that I could upgrade my lenses with some out of pocket costs but would have a great chance on never need contacts or bifocal glasses ever again.

I was very impressed with the staff and that they obtained my prior authorizations and arranged to help us get a loan for the out of pocket expenses with a zero percent loan to pay off monthly.

I had surgery 11-9 and 11-11. My vision is now 20-25. I am still healing and I use drops for moisture which I am told is expected for the first year after this procedure.

If I every have any concerns or questions Dr. Wang's staff will get right back with me to answer any concerns.

No more pink eye, allergy dry eyes, glasses or contacts and I can read my computer, drive at night, and read a book without taking glasses on or off my face.

I would highly recommend this procedure to anyone who is now qualified for the insurance coverage before the healthcare system would change this benefit to people paying premiums and needing necessary vision surgery.


Jean Watson